^What's New <Index
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 vol.4

A Discussion with Two Administrative Scriveners

Mr. Takashi Tajima (Liberty Consultants, LTD.)
is an administrative scrivener and a marine procedure commission agent. He was born January 18, 1968. Since leaving high school, he has held thirty different jobs. He passed the marine procedure commission agent examination in 1991, the youngest candidate ever to do so. In 1995, he passed the both the administrative scrivener and the real estate examinations. From 1996 to 1998, he served as chief secretary and director of the Chugoku branch of the Japan Marine Procedure Commission Agents Association. Mr. Tajima has since 1996, originated Naniwa Kinyudo - Marine Affairs Edition(published by Kodansha) and since 1999, has created Kabachitare (published by Kodansha).

Mr. Hideharu Shiota (office located in Shiota)
is an administrative scrivener and a marine procedure commission agent. He graduated from the Faculty of Jurisprudence, Chuo University and in 1993 passed the administrative scrivener examination. Currently, he is the promoter of the administrative scrivener multi-mailing list, as well as a member and a mediator of the Council of Internet Administrative Scriveners.

>Only Ten Practicing Attorneys Available in a City with a Population Of 200,000

>The Impact of the Comic Kabachitare

>If You Are Establishing an Office, Should It Be in Tokyo or in the Countryside?

>Differences in Types of Requests in Tokyo and in Other Regions

>Kure City Faced A Major Scandal

>An Extensive Sphere for International Business

>Understanding the Importance of the Job


^What's New <Index
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 vol.4