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The Quest for the 21st Century University
Suggestion to Remove the Negative Attitude toward Academic-Business Collaboration

We may have to revise our mentality in order to implement the promotion of practical and useful social science study. To do this, we must to give up the traditional pattern of imitating Western science education. Rather than throwing young, lecturer level scholars into the academic world, let them master the real world, developing problem-solving techniques by applying what they have learned in universities.

Such an approach may be foreign to traditional social science methodology and not helpful in, for example, promoting an individual's book back in academic community because he is outside of the chair system. If that is the case, no one will want to return to the universities. We must eliminate such a reactionary system, otherwise young scholars will never mingle among other groups, such as the business community.
    There are some of a new breed who have been trained in the United States. They have very difficult time in writing their Ph.D. dissertations and getting them approved as Japanese professors will not approve a new dissertation which does not have at minimum of ten pages of direct quotations from established dissertations.
That situation has to be corrected. Otherwise, Japanese study of the social sciences will die. The natural sciences share a common ground since both academics and businessmen have to obey the same natural principles and axioms, whereas the social sciences depend greatly on human factors rather than the behavior of, say, a neutron. Unless there is mutual understanding between academics and businessmen, it is hard to develop a common ground and that leads to discontinuity between the two worlds. The university should take the initiative by relaxing rules to allow the younger generation, those now in their thirties, to move around more easily. The chair system freezes individual dynamics. And those who are brave enough rid themselves of this a chain may end up becoming valuable scholars but probably in the United States. It is so important to implement fundamental university reform to protect ourselves from experiencing a "brain drain."


^What's New <Index <Discussion cover
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 vol.4